Arboricultural Impact Assessments

Undertaken swiftly and accurately

If you need an Arboricultural Impact Assessment for your planning permission, we can help. Our reports are produced in accordance with British Standard 5837 and provide important information covering all of the relevant aspects. Contact our expert team to request more information on 01284 598013.

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BS 5837 Compliant

British Standard 5837 tree surveys & tree constraints plans.

Project-relevant Guidance

Easy to understand impact assessments & tree protection statement plans.

Expert Advice

Tailored design advice to identify issues and prevent delays at planning.

/  Our Role  /

No matter the size of your project, our range of development reports and plans are designed to get your project through planning first time around. These are available at a competitive rate, and in a timeframe to suit you.

We communicate with your team from the earliest stage of the design process. In doing so, we are able to ensure that your planning application goes smoothly and efficiently. If you have already submitted a planning application and have had it refused or returned with tree related conditions, we are able to propose arboricultural and engineering solutions to satisfy the planning officers and get you that all important 'application approved' letter through the door.

/  The Process  /

Stage 1

Feasability / Conceptual Design

Tree Survey - BS 5837

Measuring, plotting and valuing the trees

Our BS5837 Tree Survey will map all trees on your site, and also those on neighbouring land that may be affected by the development. We record data such as the tree’s species, canopy dimensions such as height and spread, life stage, and categorize it either a Cat. A, B, C or U tree, depending on its arboricultural and amenity value.

Pre-Design Advice

Navigating tree constraints

Following the completion of the Tree Survey, we can produce a Tree Constraints Plan. This provides the project's design team with an objective assessment of the surrounding trees; highlighting any constraints to development that they may present. Using this, the design team will be able to identify a ‘developable area’, free from non-rectifiable tree constraints.

Stage 2

Planning Submission / Technical Design

Arboricultural Impact Assessment

Analysing the effects of the proposal

Once a conceptual design has been selected, we will produce an Arboricultural Impact Assessment identifying the potential impact which the development may have on the tree population. This document will also specify specialist construction methods to reduce any arboricultural impact, where appropriate.

Tree Protection Scheme

Protecting the trees during development

Upon finalisation of a design, we will produce an Arboricultural Method Statement and its accompanying Tree Protection Plan. These documents provide a detailed methodology for the implementation of the mitigation measures, previously outlined in the Arboricultural Impact Assessment. This will instruct site contractors on how to fulfill their role in an arboriculturally sensitive manner.

Stage 3


Arboricultural Supervision

Assisting with sensitive works

Once your project's planning has been granted, in some cases it will be necessary for an arboriculturalist to be present during operations which may result in damage to retained trees. This generally involves one of our consultants briefing and advising the site workers on how their role may damage the tree, and what can be done to reduce the risk of damage.

Need more information about how we can help?

Take a look at our Services section or Contact Us.